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Mrs. Farquharson’s musings about books for children and young adults

2018 Newbery Award


The Newbery Award is presented “… to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.” (American Library Association)

The 2018 Newbery Award was given to Hello, Universe, written by Erin Entrada Kelly (Greenwillow). This outstanding novel is told through the voices of four different characters – Virgil, Valencia, Kaori, and Chet. And then there is Virgil’s grandmother, Lola, who explains about growing up and human nature through her ancient stories.

Virgil had long suspected that his brothers were crafted out of a factory that made perfect, athletic, perpetually happy children, and he was made from all of the leftover parts.

As hearing-impaired Valencia faced summer alone, she thought, There is plenty to do. I don’t need a gazillion friends.I don’t even need one. All I need is me, right? Solo- it’s the best way to go. It’s a lot less trouble.

Kaori Tanaka liked to tell people her parents were born in the high, misty mountains of a samurai village. In truth, they were both second generation Japanese-Americans from Ohio…Sometimes people were just delivered to the wrong birthplace.

Chet Bullens is the neighborhood bully who is taught by his father that Respect came in two flavors, fear or admiration. Sometimes both. Otherwise you’re just a weakling at the bottom of the food chain, ready to get crushed under someone else’s boot.

The judges for this year’s Newbery Committee chose three honor books: Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut illustrated by Gordon C. James and written by Derrick Barnes (Bolden), Long Way Down written by Jason Reynolds (Atheneum), and Piecing Me Together written by Renée Watson (Bloomsbury Children’s Books).


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